Dec 8, 2023Liked by Matthias C. Rillig

Freeze it, then shave, take a picture, shave, take a picture. Repeat.

Then reassemble digitally and you can fly through it all. They did this with the human body.

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Thanks for writing! This could be possible, yes. But I am looking for something that can be done more routinely with a lot of fungi...

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Thank you for giving more clarity in your response.

Instead of saying "but" say "and". How do you know that method couldn't be done more routinely with a lot of fungi? Shouldn't be too much engineering to make a repeatable machine to do this.

Early dismissing ideas seems limiting for a scientist.

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Perhaps you're right.

Anyway, we're starting to play around with this now, encouraged by all the comments I've received on this post (here and elsewhere), and I hope we get to come one step further to really seeing the 3-D form of fungi.

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Could the medium be made thicker and transparent? Like maybe in a glass cube or jar? Growth could be visualized that way. Then it could be digitized as suggested in Jon’s post.

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Thanks! I have a feeling the problem will be oxygen supply. We tried this before...

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